OMS Scholastic Bowl RaiseRight (formerly SCRIP) Fundraiser
Find gifts for everyone on your shopping list while raising funds to
support Orion Middle School Scholastic Bowl with RaiseRight (formerly
SCRIP). Shop gift cards from over 75 top brands, including Amazon,
Menards, Starbucks, and more. Whether you buy gift cards to give as
presents for family and friends or to use them to buy your gifts – Orion
Middle School Scholastic Bowl earns with every gift card purchased. It’s
simple, it’s thoughtful, and it’s truly the gift that keeps on giving. Funds
raised will help support our 7th and 8th grade Scholastic Bowl teams
Shop the gift guide available from the Orion Middle School website or
office. All orders are due by 3 p.m. Wednesday, November 13th.
Orders will be distributed before Thanksgiving break. Orders can be
returned to the Orion Middle School office.
Thank you for your support
Mrs. Casey-Crouch & Mrs. Hepner