ARP/ESSER III Spending Plan
Per the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), each school district that receives ARP/ESSER funds must develop a plan for use of the funds and provide an opportunity for public input on the plan.
Below is the plan for our district’s allocation.
ARP/ESSER Allocation Plan
ESSER III Allocation = $$682,801 (20% must address learning loss)
Hire additional first grade teacher to reduce class size for the next two years =
Benefits for the additional first grade teacher which includes THIS, TRS, and
Medicare = $13,400
Hire two additional aides to assist our students for the next two years = $26,000
Benefits for the additional aides which includes IMRF and FICA =$4,763
Salary for our summer school instructor for the next two years = $3,800
Benefits for the summer school instructor which includes THIS, TRS, and
Medicare = $484
Salary for a portion of our after-school program director’s salary = $5,442
Benefits for our after-school program director which includes IMRF and FICA =
Contract with Edgenuity to use for our summer school curriculum for two years =
Replace the HVAC system at the Middle School = $327,736
Purchase two additional buses = $192,000